KO Kommentator
Outside the ring, what’s the most exciting part of a UFC fight? It’s gotta be the commentators, right?! Gen City Labs collaborated with 160over90 and KUDO Protein Popcorn to create a unique and exciting experience that put guests in the ringside seat, gave them a microphone, and challenged them to react to the best UFC knock outs. Guests at the UFC International Fight Week Fan Fest became commentators and entertainers, displaying their energy and enthusiasm while reacting to their favorite knock outs. And at the end of it all, guests could enjoy the results on screen while also receiving via email a video of their breakout performance. The video included their commentary cut with shots of the fight and wrapped up in KUDO / UFC branding that, at the click of a button, could be shared to social media.
- Client: Kudo
- Gen City Labs: UI Design, Front End Development, Technology Integration, QA and Ops support
- Interactive tablet application, real-time video editing, fabricated LED wall, email with shareable takeaway video